
Topics & Speakers


The workshop’s topics are centered around the main objective of the CRITICS ITN, but are not limited to it. We address the problem of characterizing and predicting the occurrence of sudden changes of behavior in the dynamics of complex systems in nature, technology and society, which are often called critical transitions. More specifically, key objectives include:

  • Bifurcation theory of critical transitions in time-dependent systems, random systems, networks and multiscale systems
  • Application to real-world complex systems in ecology, climate science, medicine, technology and financial markets.
  • Early-warning signals
  • Control of complex systems

Invited Speakers

* to be confirmed

  • Martin Rasmussen (Imperial College London)
  • Peter Ashwin (University of Exeter)
  • Sebastian Wieczorek (University College Cork)
  • Tobias Oertel-Jäger (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)
  • Marten Scheffer* (Wageningen University)
  • Egbert van Nes ( Wageningen University)
  • Sebastian Bathiany ( Wageningen University)
  • Rafael Obaya (Universidad de Valladolid)
  • Didier Sornette (ETH Zürich)
  • Keith Briggs (BT, Univ. Warwick)
  • Michael Chekroun (UCLA)
  • Peter Imkeller (HU Berlin)
  • Carmen Núñez (Universidad de Valladolid)
  • Anthony Quas (University of Victoria)
  • Mary Silber (University of Chicago)
  • Marc Kesseböhmer (Universität Bremen)
  • Henk Dijkstra* (Universiteit Utrecht)
  • Ilya Pavlyukevich (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)
  • Christian Pötzsche (Universität Klagenfurt)
  • Aneta Stefanovska* (Lancaster University)
  • Christian Kühn (TU München)
  • Michel Crucifix (UC Louvain)
  • Holger Kantz (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems)
  • Anna Maria Cherubini (Università del Salento)
  • Manfred Mudelsee (Climate Risk Analysis)
  • James Isilay* (AXPO)